Friday, August 12, 2016

Do you ever wonder what happens after you cosign for a bail bond.  Whether the person is in Tulsa County Jail, municipal Jails in Tulsa County, or any Jail in the State of Oklahoma, here is some advice you may need to know before you go run out and bond someone.

You are at home asleep and your phone rings, its someone you know that probably drank to much and decided to drive, some got into a physical altercation with a spouse, and many other countless offenses that can land someone locked up in a cell at the David L Moss Criminal Justice Center,  they are calling you because they have used the Bondsman list and a Bondsman told them to get a hold of a family member or friend to see if they will cosign for their bond.  Lucky you that got woken up at 3 AM in the morning by a family member or a buddy needing help.  You call different bondsmen and hear pretty much the same thing, you will need to fork over a percentage and cosign for the person in custody.  Before you do any of this look the Bondsmen up, make sure your only dealing with the Bondsmen as well. If anything ask to see their credentials before you hand over any money.  Some people you may think are bondmen are truly not they may be someone answering a phone that gets paid hourly to take your info down but cannot legally write your bail and will have to most likly wake a bondsman up themselves after you paid them to go to the jail and post the bond.  That can delay the process of bonding someone out by up to a hour to 12 if they took to long to post the bond the person will be sent back to the Pods in the Jail.  Make sure whomever you talk to is the person posting the bail.  I mean after all you wouldn't by a house from a secretary but a licensed Realtor.  pretty much the same deal in our industry.

Ever walk in to a bail bonds place that has so much advertising but yet use catchy phrases to get you in their doors.  If you do then you been deceived.  If you see someone advertising at all billboards in the State chances are you will be paying for those sign when you pay your premium.  if you see a big corporation guess what you will pay for all the salaries from the bondsman to the same person that answered the phone.  How can big corporations claim to save any clients any money if they have such a huge overhead.  Little Agencies usually could save you as much as 4 percent on bigger bonds.  so basically if you were to get someone out on a 50,000 bond the price is usually 5k if you walked into a big fancy office.  If you met someone across the street like Alameda Bail bonds in Tulsa it could only cost you 3000, Hmm you save 2000 dollar just by meeting a bondsman in front of the window where they will post your bail while you fill out the same paperwork.  This is a no brainer but so few people know this tip.  Well know you know the secret.

Back to Cosigning for Anyone that is in Jail.  This is simple if you do not know the person that well or if they have a history of not going to court or paying people back then stay away from Cosigning and go back to bed.  Remember if the person skips out on bond all of the money you cosigned for needs to be paid to the bondsman if the defendant cannot be found.  Another thing to check for if you do happen to cosign for a person are these companies that will nickel and dime you to death with fees.  Remember all of this before you decide to pay and cosign for a person.  If they do not pay you back then you will more then likely lose your money unless you take them to court.  These are things that you should look out for before you decide to be a cosigner.  A little bit of research can not only save you money but keep you from getting aggravated in the future,

Author Angel Alameda
Oklahoma Bondsman License # 40005200
Owner Alameda Bail Bonds in Tulsa